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How to Talk Money With Your Family Over The Holidays

As the holiday season approaches, families gather for festive celebrations, presenting an opportune time to broach important topics like finances, inheritance, and end-of-life decisions. However, discussing these matters amidst holiday cheer can be challenging. Here are three tips to facilitate productive conversations with your family:

Plan Ahead and Share Intentions

Initiate the conversation about money and estate planning well in advance of family gatherings. Casually mention your thoughts on creating a financial plan for the family's future during regular interactions. As the gathering approaches, express your intention to discuss these matters and schedule a dedicated time for the conversation. Address any apprehensions or concerns raised by family members with curiosity and understanding.

Set a Dedicated Time and Space

Avoid discussing sensitive topics during holiday festivities. Instead, arrange a separate meeting in a comfortable, quiet setting where everyone can focus without distractions. Clearly communicate the purpose of the gathering and establish a start and stop time for the conversation. Emphasize the importance of these discussions in fostering family resilience and ensuring financial well-being.

Share Your Planning Experience

If you've already created a estate plan, share your experience with the family. Discuss the ease of the process, any initial doubts or concerns, and the peace of mind gained from knowing that assets and loved ones will be cared for according to your wishes. Empathize with family members who may have reservations about planning and highlight the benefits for both immediate and extended family members.

By approaching these conversations with openness and empathy, you can navigate sensitive topics effectively and strengthen family bonds. Remember, proper planning can offer clarity, peace of mind, and ensure the well-being of your loved ones for years to come. 

If you’ve already created a plan with us, be sure to share our library of blog resources HERE with your loved ones. If you haven’t created your own estate plan, doing so before you talk with your family can help your loved ones be more open to the idea and can help them see the incredible benefit of planning from one of their own family members.

Schedule a complimentary call with us to learn more.

Additional Resources

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