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Got Minor Kids? 3 Instances When Your Estate Plan Must Include Guardian Nominations

If you're a parent, you understand the importance of naming permanent legal guardians for your children in case of the unexpected. However, there are instances where this may not be sufficient to ensure your kids are cared for according to your wishes. Here are three scenarios to consider:

Leaving Your Kids with Non-Related Caregivers

If your children are ever under the care of someone who isn't a close family member, like a babysitter, and an emergency arises where you're unable to return home, authorities may intervene. Without clear instructions or legal documentation, your children could end up in protective custody or with social services. To prevent this, short-term guardian nominations are crucial to bridge the gap between emergencies and permanent guardianship.

Concerns About Unwanted Guardianship

In rare cases, there may be individuals in your life whom you absolutely do not want to raise your children. If this applies to you, it's imperative to confidentially exclude them from your estate plan. By doing so, you ensure that your children are never placed in the care of someone you deem unsuitable.

Unique Desires for Your Children's Well-Being

Every parent has specific wishes regarding their children's education, healthcare, and financial future. Without explicit instructions, those tasked with caring for your children may not know how to fulfill these desires. By detailing your preferences in your estate plan, you provide clarity and guidance for potential guardians, ensuring your children's needs are met in alignment with your values.

Creating guardian nominations isn't just about planning for worst-case scenarios; it's an opportunity to reflect on your parenting values and priorities. By taking this proactive step, you can gain peace of mind and reaffirm your commitment to being the best parent you can be. If you're unsure where to begin, we're here to guide you through the process and support you every step of the way.

Comprehensive Protection for The Ones You Love Most

If you’re ready to nominate guardians for your child, the first step is to schedule your Estate Planning Session. During the Session, I’ll look at everything you own and everyone you love to get to know your family and your wishes on a personal level. Then I’ll explain how the law would affect your family if something happened to you today, and together, we’ll design a plan that will protect your assets and your loved ones, no matter what.

To get started, schedule a complimentary 15-minute call. We can’t wait to protect your children and your entire family through comprehensive planning.

Additional Resources

Resource Center

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